uñas acrílicas

Acrylic premium nails

Acrylic line for specialist. Fast catalysis for an easier job.
For acrylic experts, for a fastest and most manageable work.
The acrylic nails are used for hands beautify, to enlarge the natural nails and the correction of bad habits.


1. The professional will need to clean his/her hands with Antibacterian purifying soap.
2. With the preparatory hygienic solution, the professional must clean her/his hands and the working tools.
3. With the Orange stick, the cuticles remover brush or the cuticle pusher, remove the cuticle to ensure a better adherence.
4. File the nail plate to open the longitudinal channels and mechanically degrease the nail with the blue padded file. Make the filing in the following order:
• From cuticle to right lateral
• From cuticle to left lateral
• On the nail base
The file must always be one way and soft, to avoid the nail plate damaging.
5. Apply the artificial nail prep to dehydrate the nail plate. Apply as a polish and let it dry.
6. Apply the primer or the bonder to degrease the nail plate to achieve the acrylic product adherence.


• Place the salon nail form or the premium oval nail form adapted on the center of the nail, down the free edge. Move both sides of the mold until you align them with the natural nail sides
• Observe the nail sideways, the mold must be on a straight line with the natural nail matrix for a correct application



• On three different godets apply the next products: White acrylic premium, Camouflage Acrylic (cover pink, peach, pink cover plus o pink cover dark or Crystal Pink). On the last one applies some acrylic premium liquid up to the middle.
• The construction will be realized with Premium Brush.
Nail plate enlargement: Humidify the premium brush with the acrylic premium liquid and create a pearl with the camouflage acrylic premium, apply the blend between the natural nail free edge and the salon nail form. The tip of the brush must be on our direction and with an inclination of 45º, construct both sides and spread the product to the center avoiding the cuticle. The union link between the natural and the salon nail form will contain the largest amount of product and decreases as reaches to the center. Give a rounded shape on the boundary between the nail plate and the free edge that will then be constructed.
Free Edge: Create a second pearl with the white acrylic premium and place it next to the nail plate enlargement. Once you place it spread the white acrylic premium to the sides and create a free edge. The amount of product must be thicker near to the nail plate. The premium brush inclination must be 45º, this will make easier to give the correct thickness
o Cuticle area: Place the finger tilt down to apply a third crystal pink acrylic pearl. Place between the cuticle and the center of the nail. With the premium brush tip push the product on the cuticle area and spread the rest of the product to the nail plate enlargement. This will give a natural aspect to the nail.
o C Shape: Before the product completely dry’s, remove the salon nail form or the premium oval nail form. Select a molding tool and place it down the artificial nail free edge. To obtain the correct result, the molding tool must match with both sides of the natural nail. You must slightly press for a perfect C shape. With the pinching tool you will fix the shape.


8. File the nail with the grey padded file 100/180 to provide shape, curvature and eliminate the excessive thickness.
9. Finish with the file flash-finisher to achieve an homogeneous nail and with possible imperfections of the previous filing.
10. Apply the seal gel with sun filter on top of the nail and proceed to dry with UV or LED
11. Apply Oil instant liss to hydrate and beautify your client cuticle.
12. To maintenance recommend to your client the daily application of the oil instant liss roll on