On 25/09 the regulation 2023/2055 was published, which amends the REACH regulation regarding the use and evaluation of microplastics. This regulation has been created to protect the environment due to the fact that more and more of these types of elements are appearing in nature, animals or food, among others.
Does this mean that I should suddenly stop using them?
Not all plastic glitters require immediate withdrawal from the market. Those already on the EU market before October 17 will not need to be recalled.
Are Thuya products affected?
Thuya products for the care and decoration of the eye area and products for hand and foot treatments are not affected because they do not contain any microplastics in their formulations, including exfoliants that are of plant origin (jojoba, seeds, brown sugar, etc.).
What about glitter and glitter nail products?
In this regulation, nail products, as well as makeup and lipstick products, are considered to contribute very little to environmental pollution and are given a 12-year transition period to be replaced by products that are soluble or that degrade easily, if not completely withdrawn.
Our laboratory will work on innovating these products to be able to offer them to you again with greater efficiency, taking care of the environment and offering quality.